Order of Worship

The Lord's Day February 23, 2025

Call to Worship

Psalm 108:1-4

Silence Before the Throne of God
Hymn of Praise

"To Go Be the Glory" #55

Reading of the Law or Psalter Reading

Psalm 8 pg 786

Congregational Confession of Sin

Lord Jesus, we have sinned times without number, and been guilty of pride and unbelief, and of neglect to seek you in our daily lives. Our sins and shortcomings present us with a list of accusations, but we thank you that they will not stand against us, for all have been laid on Christ. Deliver us from every evil habit, every interest of former sins, everything that dims the brightness of your grace in us, everything that prevents us taking delight in you. Amen.

Reaffirmation of Faith
Hymn of Praise

Older Testament Reading

Deuteronomy 15:1-7

Pastoral Prayer
Giving of Tithes and Offerings

Doxology #732

Newer Testament Reading

Acts 14:1-7

Sermon Text

Psalm 1

Prayer for Illumination

"Delight In The Law"

The Lord's Supper
Closing Hymn

"All for Jesus!" #565


"Gloria Patri" # 734